SedNet Workshop and Meeting 4 & 5 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany

Joined SedNet Working Groups Workshop and Meeting
4 & 5 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany


Dear SedNet Members,

We are excited to announce that the SedNet working groups SedNet CE and SedNet Quality will be joining forces to host a collaborative workshop. Additionally, there will be a meeting of the Working Group on Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management Concepts in Hamburg on June 4th and 5th, 2024. Be sure to save the dates!

CE & Sediment Quality Workshop Overview:
On the first workshop day, June 4th, we have planned a series of engaging joined and parallel sessions focusing on pertinent topics that intersect sediment quality and sediment utilization within a circular economy framework. While the agenda is still in development, here are some key discussion topics and guiding questions:

  1. The CIS document “Integrated sediment management – Guidelines and good practices in the context of the Water Framework Directive”.
  2. The impact of persistent chemicals like PFAS in surface and groundwater on sediment.
    • How can we establish an EQS for sediment? Are the mechanisms for binding to sediment similar to those for other organic pollutants?
    • What measures should we take regarding chemicals with exceptionally low water standards, yet still being produced and discharged?
    • Should we reconsider reuse standards for sediments, considering bioavailability and the risk of recontamination rather than focusing solely on total concentrations?
  3. The exploration of other emerging substances, particularly those associated with the energy transition.
    • What is our understanding of their toxicity and behavior?
    • Could the placement of windmills or solar panels on water affect sediment quality to an extent where Circular Economy (CE) practices become unfeasible?
  4. The 2023 EU Soil Strategy and soil monitoring law.

Meeting of Working Group Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management Concepts:

The meeting is scheduled for June 4th. Please stay tuned for updates regarding the agenda and topics.

Working Group Sediment Quality Meeting:
Prior to the joined workshop, the WG Sediment Quality will already convene in the afternoon of Monday, 3rd of June, to follow up on the discussions from the last WG meeting. Please indicate your participation on this day in the registration form.


We look forward to lively discussions and insightful contributions from all participants, enriching our collective understanding of sediment management challenges and opportunities. Please refer to the preliminary program for further details:


Preliminary Program

You can register for the joint workshop using the registration form provided below. Please note that participation is limited to 30 individuals due to capacity constraints.

The registration deadline is Monday, the 13th of May 2024.






Logisitic Information & Hotel Recommendations:
For your convenience, we have prepared a document containing travel information and hotel recommendations in Hamburg.


Hotel Recommendations




Contact Persons: 

Working Group Sediment Quality:
Susanne Heise (Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany) / Carmen Casado (Centre Ecotox, Switzerland)

Working Group Circular Economy:
Arjan Wijdeveld (Deltares, The Netherlands) / Julia Gebert (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) / Edward Van Keer (Flemish Government, Belgium)

Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management Concepts: 
Edward Van Keer (Flemish Government, Belgium) / Cristina Ponte Lira (University of Lisbon)

For the site visit:
Karsten Lehmann (Port of Hamburg, Waterside Infrastructure, Germany)

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