SAVE THE DATE – 5 December 2016, 9:30 – 18:00 hrs – Soil Stakeholders’ conference

Kanskje noen av Miljøringen medlemmer er interessert i å lære mer om (og bidra til) arbeidet med jord på EU-nivå? 5. desember holdes et møte i Brussel for alle med interesse i jord. Det vil blant annet være et eget tema på forurenset grunn. Deltagelse på møtet er gratis, men man må betale reisen selv.

«The Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission organizes a ‘Soils Stakeholders’ conference’ in Brussels on 5 December 2016, 9:30 – 18:00. This event is a contribution of the European Commission to the World Soil Day 2016 aiming at raising awareness on the importance of soils and the ecosystem services that they deliver. It is also part of the implementation of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy.

The objective of this conference is to present the outcomes of the inventory and gap analysis of soil-related legislations at EU and Member states level, and the MAES Soil ecosystem services project. This will lead to a discussion on challenges and further policy developments with stakeholders.

Registrations and more details, including the draft conference programme, are available here.

Please feel free to further disseminate this info.


Best regards,

The Soil Team»


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