NICOLE E-News February 2017


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Reminder: Call for papers
Spring meeting & Workshop

In the spring of 2017 NICOLE, in collaboration with Lombardy Region (Italy), General Directorate for Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, plans to hold its next workshop in Milan, Italy to explore the subject of «CREATING VALUE THROUGH SUSTAINABLE LAND AND ASSET MANAGEMENT”.

The precise agenda is yet to be finalised but the intention is to focus on topics such as:

  • How to support sustainable development at local and regional level for areas and regions which formerly used to be mainly industrial and now need regeneration;
  • How to balance economic development (providing jobs, generating income), protection of the environment and enhancement of the wider social needs of the community.

The Organising Committee expects to include the following content – Read more

REMINDER: Abstracts should be submitted to the NICOLE secretariat ( before 20 February 2017. 


Publication Announcement CL:AIRE


CL:AIRE is delighted to announce the publication of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater: Guidance on assessing petroleum hydrocarbons using existing hydrogeological risk assessment methodologies.  This guidance has been prepared by a steering group led by Shell Global Solutions and has kindly been reviewed and supported by the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, an agency within the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. This publication also has the support of Environmental Industries Commission (EIC), The Society for Remediation Professionals in the UK (RemSoc),  Soil and Groundwater Technology Association (SAGTA) and The Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment (SoBRA).

It is freely available and can be downloaded directly at:

NanoRem project successfully closed

NanoRem toolbox will be available in full from February 2017

The NanoRem Toolbox focuses on the needs of decision makers, consultants and site owners. It provides the respective output of NanoRem, organised in three levels of detail:

  1. An entry level showing the project bulletins as high level information in a condensed and concise way,
  2. More detailed information on nanoparticles and tools described as “Nanoparticles and Tools”,
  3. Other dissemination products and selected project deliverables as “Supporting Information”.

Click here to read the full article


Working Group update

– Regulatory working group
This working group aims to keep NICOLE members up to date on current issues related to regulation at EU, national and regional levels. 
Chair of the working group Phil Crowcroft would like to ask members to contribute suggestions for discussion items for the next workshop.

– Establishment of working group on Asbestos in Soil 
Because interest in asbestos is on the rise, NICOLE is establishing a new working group on the subject. Rick Parkman and Jean-Louis Seveque and a few others are working closely together in finalising the objectives, scope and planned outputs from this new working group; further details will be provided at the Spring workshop where we hope to formally launch this new working group.

Objective(s) of Working Group

  • Compare and contrast current industry approaches and regulatory positions in European Countries as an initial “baselining” exercise to help identify significant differences and opportunities for harmonisation
  • Improve awareness and understanding in managing the risks  of asbestos in soil by advocating a pragmatic approach and promoting greater consistency where possible

    Achieved by:

    • Collating information on and benchmarking current methods and standards for the characterisation, risk assessment, remediation and regulation of asbestos in soils that are currently adopted by industry and regulators in European Countries
    • Identify research needs that can support a less precautionary approach where appropriate
    • Identify existing research initiatives, and develop a gap analysis for research proposals
    • Identify existing case studies or potential case studies that can improve confidence in risk management decisions and in developing best practice
Added value to NICOLE:
  • Asbestos is a problematic ground contaminant in terms of scientific uncertainty, public perception, and limitations in regulation
  • Currently no unified European perspective and little visibility on European good practice/experience
  • Opportunity for NICOLE work to be valued by regulators and industry

China-EU Workshop on Soil Contamination

NICOLE contributes to the China-EU Workshop on Soil Contamination organised by the EU Commission  together with the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) and the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) on 27-28 February 2017.

NICOLE will advocate a risk-based approach and a sustainable land management concept, which is not yet realised in China. To include risk-based approach will be very important for the choice of technologies, the remediation program and required remediation duration. Mr. Laurent Bakker (TAUW) will present at the conference and report back to the network.




RemTEC Summit

7 – 9 March 2017
Denver, Colorado, USA

14 – 16 March 2017
Lyon, France

Visit the website
NICOLE Spring 
Workshop 2017

8 – 9 June 2017
Milan, Italy

Creating value through sustainable land and asset management
AquaConsoil 2017

 26- 30 June 2017
Lyon, France

More information and call for abstract is open on the website.
Wageningen Soil
Conference 2017

27 – 31 August 2017
Wageningen, Netherlands

Soil Science in a Changing World
Visit the website

20 – 22 September 2017
Ferrara, Italy

Visit the website
Workshop 2017

4 – 6 October 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark

NICOLE and the 13th Meeting of the International Committee on Contaminated Land (ICCL) will run back-to-back and allow opportunities for interchange of ideas. The ICCL are regulators and policy-makers dealing with contaminated land management.
The NICOLE meeting will focus on Groundwater Management on Contaminated Sites
E-news NICOLE is compiled & distributed by:

Nan Su (NICOLE Secretariat) – P.O. Box 28249 – 3003 KE Rotterdam – The Netherlands
Mobile phone: +31 (0)6 41374680 – Web: – E-mail:

Disclaimer: This selection of news items is for general purpose only, and does not represent the position or preference of NICOLE in any way.

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