NICOLE E-News April 2015

NICOLE Workshop update

Spring workshop (24- 26 June 2015): The Manchester Workshop Organisation Committee is working very hard at the moment in reviewing and selecting abstracts to shape the final program of the workshop. As many members have indicated, they believe an interactive session as part of the Workshop would be very useful. 

Prof. David Polya at the University of Manchester has drafted a questionnaire which we would like as many members as possible to complete prior to the workshop and in preparation for the interactive session. Please check the member section on the NICOLE website for the questionnaire. 

Fall workshop (4-6 November 2015): Please block your agenda for the NICOLE fall workshop in Brussels. The workshop will focus on ELD matters. A more detailed message on the content and call for OC will be sent out shortly.

Should you have any questions about this, please feel free to send them to the NICOLE Secretariat.



Welcome to our new Service Provider Group member!

A very warm welcome to our new member BURGEAP!

Today, sustained urban development is thought of as being an integrated engineering domain. The challenges, which are set by new approaches concerning energy, waste, water ecology, mobility, noise and air, address all fields of activity covered by BURGEAP and, above all, their capacity to combine and secure the interaction among these different fields of activity to be able to create consolidated visions of urban eco-systems.

For more information please visit their website.



Welcome to our new and first member from Australia!

A very warm welcome to our new member CRC Care!

CRC CARE Pty Ltd is an independent organisation that performs research, develops technologies and provides policy guidance for assessing, cleaning up and preventing contamination of soil, water and air. Their research is divided into programs on national policy for assessing and remediating contamination, measurement, assessment of risk to human health and the environment and clean up technologies and management options.

For more information please visit their website.



Technology Award 2015

Thanks to the enthusiastic response to the call for entries for the NICOLE Technology Award, we have received a considerable number of entries. Based on the following criteria, the jury will select the top 3 entries: Interest for NICOLE ISG/SPG, potential cost saving, potential market uptake, performance and technical validation, use/implementation in the field field, technical innovation, cleanness of proposal, academic involvement and in line with the award call.

The top 3 entries will be offered the opportunity to present their work in front of their peers during the NICOLE  2015 spring workshop in June, where one of those 3 will then proceed to win the Award. 
Each company which holds NICOLE membership can decide and give their vote of preference of the final 3 entries on 25 June. The final winner will be announced during the workshop dinner on 25 June.



Shaping the future of NICOLE

It has been suggested that NICOLE should re-orientate itself for the future and prepare and implement this transition in over the next 2 years, evolving from a rather reactive soil oriented approach (aimed at managing contaminated sites from the past) to a more pro-active, broader and sustainable approach, where NICOLE offers companies a platform to share good practices on sustainable land/ environmental management. This transition would include NICOLE adapting it’s name. For instance, one suggestion received from one of our members was to change it to something like «Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management Europe”.

Please do provide any possible suggestions to the NICOLE secretariat. Also if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Nan Su of the NICOLE Secretariat.


ELD Stakeholder Workshop Report

The main objective of the ELD Stakeholder workshop, organised by the European Commission, was to enable an exchange of information and practical experience gathered in the application of the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) between main stakeholders, experts and practitioners. 

Further, to evaluate the achievements and challenges of ELD implementation and to present the five REFIT evaluation criteria. 

To view the full report on the ELD Stakeholder Workshop, please visit the following link.  


Common Forum Naples Meeting Report

The NICOLE network has a good relationship with Common Forum (CF), the informal network of European regulators that are involved in the preparation and national implementation of European Directives related to Contaminated land and Soil and Groundwater. In her role as NICOLECF liaison facilitator Anja Sinke attended the CF half-yearly meeting organised in Naples, attended by approximately 30 regulators from 19 different European MS and regions.

To view the report from the Common Forum Meeting in Naples, please login as a member on the NICOLE website, and then visit NICOLE Members Website. The report will be listed under ‘Member Documents’ and is named ‘2014 Okt NICOLE CF Report’.



L’Union des Consultants et Ingénieurs en Environnement

April 2, 2015, Lille, France

Urbanize and land liabilities

Global Soil Week 2015

April 19- 23, 2015, Berlin, Germany

The 3rd Global Soil Week 2015 invites all stakeholders to join forces to encourage sustainable soil management and responsible land governance at global, regional and local level and jointly put soils and land on the new sustainable development agenda.

SETAC Europe

May 3 – 7, 2015, Barcelona, Spain

The innovative use of chemicals and nanomaterials in new technologies, industry and agriculture challenges many aspects of the ecosystem functioning of the global environment.

However, these new technologies and materials also offer opportunities to remediate or minimise these anthropogenic insults. Finding innovative solutions to environmental problems is ever more important in the current economic scenario.

IE Expo

May 6 – 8, 2015, Shanghai, China


As the Asia’s leading environmental show, IE expo offers an effective business and networking platform for Chinese and international professionals in the environmental sector and is accompanied by first-class technical-scientific conference program. It is the ideal platform for the professionals in the environmental industry to develop business, exchange idea and do networking.

3th International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies

May 18 – 21, 2015, Miami, Florida


The Symposium is organized and presented by Battelle and Sponsors include public-and private-sector organizations active in environmental assessment, remediation and management. Attendance is expected to be 700 to 900 scientists, engineers, regulators, remediation site owners, and other environmental professionals representing universities, government agencies, consulting, R&D and service firms from approximately 25 countries.

International Conference Contaminated Sites

May 27 – 29, 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia

The Slovak Environment Agency, the programme and organizing committee would like to invite specialists from the field of contaminated sites and other related professional fellows to attend the International conference Contaminated sites Bratislava 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The conference will be organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

AquaConsoil Copenhagen 2015

June 9- 12 2015

Conference program: Dealing with Contamination: Assessment and monitoring, Risk assessment, Management, functions of soil and Groundwater: new subsurface activities, competing claim, Win-win situations. 

NICOLE Spring Workshop 2015

June 24 – 26, 2015, Manchester, England

NICOLE organises yearly two workshops for its members on issues concerning contaminated land. 

This Workshop’s main subjects will cover: Pharmaceutical and personal care products, Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), Asbestos, Challenging Metals and Radionucleides and Radioactive substances.


September 6- 10 2015, Vienna, Austria

Engineered nanoparticles and nanomaterials offer many potential benefits as a result of novel properties and  behaviour that materials can exhibit when manufactured or precisely manipulated at the nanoscale. The 10th ICEENN  will bring together researchers, regulators and industry from all over the world to discuss the potential hazards and  resulting  risks  of  current  and  future  applications  in  the  key  sector  of  nanotechnology,  along  with  ways  to  characterize  nanoparticles and mechanisms to bring about risk reduction to harvest the economic and social  benefits of this fascinating technology. 

BodemBreed Symposium 2015

November 2015

BodemBreed has been the main conference on soil issues in the Netherlands for more than 25 years.

More information to be announced


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