Invitation to submit a manuscript in The Journal of Soils and Sediments

The Journal of Soils and Sediments (IF = 2,206) will publish a Special Issue under the theme «contaminated lands and sediments». The dead line for submissions is 12 February 2017.  All papers to be published in this SI should have a Nordic aspect and preferably focus on the following topics:

–        circular economy in the management of contaminated land or sediment
–        sustainable land management practices (e.g. tools, practical solutions)
–        new/innovative remediation methods   

However, submissions related to other topics and presenting interesting novel findings/methods will also be considered. All papers will go through the normal review process.

The manuscripts should follow the journal’s guidelines for structure, references etc. (please see the Instructions for Authors that can be found in the JSS’s web page, behind the link given below). The manuscripts for Special issue in the Journal of Soils and Sediments shall be submitted through the electronic submission system available at: To do this, select “Submit Online” and register as an author (if you haven’t already registered in the system earlier). If you are a new user, a username and password will then be sent to you by e-mail. Note that when submitting the manuscript, under the item “Article type” you have to select NORDROCS 2016. 

Looking forward to your contribution,

Jaana Sorvari, guest editor of JSS
Assoc. Prof., D.Tech.
Aalto University
Department of Built Environment
P.O. Box 15200
FI-00076 Aalto


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