«Turning failure into success – What can we learn when remediation does not go as planned»
There is continuous effort needed to manage land contamination in an effective way, and hence to find ways to optimize the current ways of working. Often, workshops and conferences try to find the solutions in presenting success cases as templates to replicate. Yet, there are a number of remediation projects not meeting the various stakeholders expectations and thus requiring new thinking to achieve the outcome expected. Owing to the level of trust NICOLE’s members have built over time among themselves, it seems possible to have open discussions around projects having encountered obstacles on their way to completion and to learn from these. Therefore the decision was taken to hold a workshop on the non-successes, and even on the failures or on “what goes wrong” and what we can learn from this for the next project or the future.
The first topic to deal with is the definition of “failure” in the context of remediation projects. During the workshop, the results of a questionnaire (recently sent around) will be communicated, together with experiences out of other businesses (lawyers, chemical production,…). As a first approach, failures can be technical, strategical, due to environmental or regulatory boundary conditions etc.
Examples are: exceeding the budget, disappointing the stakeholders, application of suboptimal or even “wrong” technology, Health & Safety requirements or remediation goals may be finally met, but not within the expected time frame.
We would appreciate if you would to send in an abstract dealing with issues mentioned above with examples of “lessons learned” from these non-success projects. But please be aware that pure success stories will be rejected. The abstract should at least contain a description of the project, what type of “failure” happened and why and what should be done to prevent it from happening again.
NICOLE Questionaire
The aim of this questionaire is to generate information from NICOLE members on key issues, which are related to failure and their position. The results will be used to structure workshop sessions, plenary discussion and inviting speakers.
Therefore we kindly ask everyone (whom hasn’t filled in the questionaire at this moment) to fill in the questionaire on MailChimp through the link provided. To fill in the questionaire, please click here, or copy the following link to your brower: https://nl.surveymonkey.com/r/Q899BY7
Please note that this is an anonymous questionnaire!
The Program
The organizing committee has agreed on the official program (final draft) which will be updated regularly on the NICOLE home page. It is therefore enclosed within the announcement. For more information, please click on the buttons below.