Latvia ønsker norsk partner til prosjekt forurenset grunn i Riga (EØS-midlene)

Miljødirektoratet er samarbeidspartner for klima- og miljøprogrammet i Latvia som finansieres av EØS-midlene. Som et ledd i dette arbeidet skal vi bidra til å finne eventuelle norske partnere som kan samarbeide om prosjekter. I Latvia er det utlyst prosjektmidler som har som formål å rydde opp i forurenset grunn. Dette er bakgrunnen for henvendelsen vi har fått via Departementet for miljø og regional utvikling i Latvia om et prosjekt i Riga by, og  hvor Riga ønsker en norsk partner. Mer informasjon finner dere vedlegget  og i  eposten under.

Vi håper derfor dere kan formidle dette til deres medlemmer, og be de som kan være interessert i å kontakte Marija Belajava  i Rigas byråd på epost: eller telefon: +371 67105445 innen 24 November 2020 .


Utgifter til  norsk deltagelse i prosjektsamarbeid dekkes av EØS-midlene, men vi gjør oppmerksom på at timesatser må beregnes på en non-profit basis.



Vi håper dette prosjektet kan være interessant for noen i Miljøringen, og at vi også senere kan bruke dere til å formidle lignende prosjekter dersom det skulle komme flere henvendelser til oss med ønske om norsk partner.



Anne Marie Mo Ravik
Senior adviser, Section for the High North and Bilateral Relations

Norwegian Environment Agency
Phone: +47 73 58 05 00
Mobile: +47 97606470


Vedlagt mail

Fra: Aija Kesmina <>
Sendt: fredag 13. november 2020 14:45
Til: Anne Marie Mo Ravik <>; Marthe Margrethe Haugan <>
Kopi: Iruma Kravale <>; Ilze Krieva <>; Solvita Ciganska <>; Dace Bērziņa <>
Emne: Promotion of partnership between Latvian and Norwegian institutions within Open Call


Dear colleagues,


I would like to inform you that on 12 November 2020 the Programme Operator (PO) has received from the Riga City Council the partner search form to find Norwegian partners in order to cooperate under Open Call “Mitigation of Risks Related to Historically Contaminated Sites”.


Summary of the application:

  • Brief description of the intended project – “Remediation of the historically polluted site of Kileveina Ditch (in Riga, Kīleveina grāvis), 1st stage”. The objective of the Project is to clean up the degraded site of the Kileveina Ditch in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, using innovative technologies and methods.
  • The preferable cooperation areas under Open call – to cooperate with potential project partner in field of sustainable remediation solutions of polluted sites (oil and heavy metal contamination), especially regarding Dredging and Capping solution.
  • Description of preferable project partner’s profile – expected collaboration with Norwegian local public authority or non-governmental organization which has expertise in project implementation related to sustainable remediation solutions of polluted sites, especially including components of Dredging and Capping solution.


Those interested should contact the potential project promoter by 24 November 2020 via e-mail: or phone: +371 67105445.


The PO has reviewed the application and received statement from the potential project promoter that the aim of the intended project complies with the aim of the Open Call and sends to NEA for further progress. The PO kindly asks to forward the information from the Riga City Council to potential project partners in Norway.


Please find application form “Partner search form for potential project applicants from Latvia to find Norwegian partners” attached to this e-mail.



Kind regards,

Aija Kesmina

Ministry of Environmental Protection and

Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia

Development Instruments Department

National and Foreign Assistance Instruments Division

Senior Expert

+371 66016552



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