Bli med på NORDROCS 2016 i Finland

NORDROCS 2016 arrangeres i Finland fra 5. til 8. september 2016. Konferansestedet er Universitetet i Aalto, Espoo, som bare ligger 10-15 minutt med buss/bil fra Helsinki flyplass.

Illustrasjonsbilde NORDROCS 2016Miljøringen er medarrangør sammen med andre nordiske nettverkene, så det er selvsagt i vår interesse også at så mange som mulig melder seg på.

Her kan du se 2016 NORDROCS Program. Hovedtemaet for programmet beskrives med disse ordene:

“The special theme of Nordrocs 2016 is “Circular Economy”, which means “re-using, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products. What used to be regarded as ‘waste’ can be turned into a resource. The aim is to look beyond waste and to close the loop of the circular economy. All resources need to be managed more efficiently throughout their life cycle.” (European Commission). In the context of contaminated land, circular economy could be approached for example by recycling of excavated soil/ groundwater/sediment without compromising the safety of human health or the environment.

The main, overall, object for NORDROCS is “Crossing Borders” with the goal to share and discuss the way we manage contaminated land within the Nordic countries. Across the borders of the Nordic countries, we have a common interest and openness regarding development inside and outside the Nordic region. This is also true when it comes to remediation of contaminated sites.

The Nordic countries have large natural and demographic variations. This has led to differences in approach and focus of the efforts to remediate contaminated sites. Therefore we have developed knowledge about different parts of the field of remediation of contaminated sites and this gives us a great opportunity to learn from each other. For instance, the efforts to protect drinking water from contamination are heavily affected by the areas dependency on supplies from groundwater or  surface water”.

Som dere ser vil det være gode muligheter for nettverksbygging og kunnskapsoverføring.

Dere finner mer info om registrering på

Miljøringen synes at alle de norske rådgivningsfirmaene bør være representert i Finland, og i tillegg bør det være attraktivt for myndigheter, laboratoriene, entreprenører og studenter (egen rabatt)!




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